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[hide]Unit Tree
Bowman tree
- Bowman
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 15 hitpoints: 33 |
name: Bowman race: human |
The use of archery in shooting something other than game was seen from its inception, and archers have been indispensable in warfare since time immemorial. Usually of humble origins, hailing from the peasantry or the odd woodsman, bowmen have reasonable prowess with both a bow and a short sword, and are very common on the battlefield. |
- Bowman
- Longbowman
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 26 hitpoints: 45 |
name: Longbowman race: human |
Longbows are forbidden to beginning archers simply by merit of physical law. It takes great strength to draw one, and the added range and power are useless unless one has good aim with the weapon, a gift that beginners certainly lack. Longbowmen carry their weaponry as a badge of pride, and most bowmen look forward to the day they can begin using one. |
- Bowman
- Longbowman
- Master Bowman
- Longbowman
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 46 hitpoints: 58 |
name: Master Bowman race: human |
Master bowmen have reached the zenith of their art, inasmuch as any man is capable. Armed with both a sword, and a great yew bow, these warriors crown battalions of archers with their presence, bringing down many a foe with their well-aimed shots. Their skill with the sword is also not to be discounted; they are easily as good with it as any novice swordsman. Of the many races in the world, only the elves surpass humanity in archery, and their human counterparts have speculated, perhaps in envy, that this is only by dint of age. |
Heavy Infantryman tree
- Heavy Infantryman
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 19 hitpoints: 38 |
name: Heavy Infantryman race: human |
Heavy infantry are an unusual choice for outfitting troops. They are very difficult to send afield in war, and are typically useful only in the defense of the city or castle in which they are stationed. Clad head to toe in full plate, and armed with large maces, heavy infantry excel at their sole purpose of melee combat. A few of them in the center of a line will shore up its strength considerably. The downsides to this are obvious, both in the weight of the metal, and the great care that must be taken of it, but in certain situations, these troops are well worth the trade-offs. |
- Heavy Infantryman
- Shock Trooper
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 35 hitpoints: 52 |
name: Shock Trooper race: human |
Shock troopers are the elite of the heavy infantry, and half of their use in war is simply a matter of intimidation. The only men who can enter their ranks are prodigiously well-built, and when clad in black plate brimming with spikes, they are a fearsome sight to behold. The sight of Shock Troopers breaking an enemy with their morning stars is often enough to shatter the morale of any opposition, who sometimes wonder if such armor covers monsters, rather than men. The drawback of such heavy armor is, of course, the time it takes to move into and out of combat. |
- Heavy Infantryman
- Shock Trooper
- Iron Mauler
- Shock Trooper
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 50 hitpoints: 64 |
name: Iron Mauler race: human |
Iron Maulers are given their name for reasons which are all too obvious. The men within these suits of armor can match ogres in contests of strength, and are marked as the champions of the castle guards in which they serve. They are, however, expensive to maintain, and cannot be sent to distant battles without a full convoy of servants to support them. Though staggering in melee combat, there are many drawbacks to being outfitted in this way; Iron Maulers tire easily, and know all too well that they cannot run on the battlefield. Too often have they seen a distant comrade fall, yet were powerless to reach the scene in time to help. |
Spearman tree
- Spearman
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 14 hitpoints: 36 |
name: Spearman race: human |
Swords are, for many, an expensive luxury, and one which peasants can ill afford. Spears are much easier to make and will do well even without a head, though most can afford one. Clad in leather armor, and often armed with a shield and a few javelins, spearmen are the staple of most armies, often thrown into the front lines with only basic training.
- Spearman
- Swordsman
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 25 hitpoints: 55 |
name: Swordsman race: human |
An experienced soldier will often save enough to equip a suit of scale or chain armor, and a sturdy broadsword. Though trading their spears for swords is often a somewhat jarring change, most spearmen will leap at the chance, knowing all too well the limitations of the weapon they are leaving behind. A sword is not without its own drawbacks, but is much more maneuverable than a spear, and much better in close quarters. |
- Spearman
- Swordsman
- Royal Guard
- Swordsman
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 43 hitpoints: 74 |
name: Royal Guard race: human |
Royal Guards are picked from the best swordsmen in Wesnoth. Serving under any of the higher nobility, they function as bodyguards, and partly as a badge of office for their employers. A special force of Royal Guards is stationed at the capitol, guarding the palace grounds and the royal family. Because of their trusted relationship to their superiors, they, rather than mercenaries, are often deployed on missions of crucial import. Their reliability and mastery of close combat are their best assets, for which they are well-renowned. |
- Spearman
- Pikeman
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 25 hitpoints: 55 |
name: Pikeman race: human |
Promising spearmen in the armies of Wesnoth are often graduated to wielding pikes, and are outfitted with something far superior to the motley collection of leather armor they wore as recruits. A pike is a much longer weapon than a spear, and thus facilitates different combat tactics. A wall of pikemen is the bane of any cavalry charge, and with proper discipline and tactics, pikemen can also hold most infantry at bay.
- Spearman
- Pikeman
- Halberdier
- Pikeman
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 44 hitpoints: 72 |
name: Halberdier race: human |
A halberd is a difficult and very heavy weapon to use, but powerful in the hands of an expert. It is also much more flexible than the spear from which it descended. As any halberdier can tell you, the weapon possesses 4 primary striking points, 2 more than a spear or pike; these are the tip, the blade, the spike at the base of the shaft, and the inner point on the blade, which can be used in a motion pulling back towards the wielder. All this makes for a very versatile weapon in melee, especially against cavalry. However, a halberd is notably more expensive to craft than a spear, and in the hands of a novice, much less effective. In the armies of Wesnoth, it is customary only to grant these weapons to veteran pikemen, who have proven that they have the skill to employ them properly on the field of war.
- Spearman
- Javelineer
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 25 hitpoints: 48 |
name: Javelineer race: human |
Spearmen almost always equip themselves with a few javelins, to harry, if not kill, enemies at range. Some, however, take to them rather well, finding that they have a natural talent in their use. Javelineers are a valuable asset to an army, being able to supplement their skill in melee combat with an ability to handle distant foes. They can hurl javelins into enemy ranks from a distance, often without retribution, and still hold their ground in melee.
Mage tree
- Mage
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 20 hitpoints: 24 |
name: Mage race: human |
Humans have often pondered the workings of the world in which they live. Some endeavor to take this beyond idle musing, to set it as the primary enterprise of their lives. Mages have spent several years in study, and have amassed a sum of knowledge which sets them apart. In a world where few people can read and write, these men and women have committed themselves fully to the pursuit of knowledge. Their ranks are filled with the children of hopeful nobility, or those who sought an escape from the intellectual void begotten by a life of manual labor. It is an irony that, with all the knowledge they have amassed and their unassuming monopoly of it, the collective community of mages could likely rule society, were they ever to try. However, their true love is neither money, nor power, and those who see the study of magic as a means to such ends often lack the very conviction that is required for true mastery. Physically frail, and lacking familiarity with combat, mages do possess certain arts which are of great utility in battle.
- Mage
- White Mage
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 40 hitpoints: 32 |
name: White Mage race: human |
Some mages, as they learn about the world around them, and learn the truth of the suffering and squalour in which humanity too often lives, find that they cannot bring themselves to be cloistered into a life of study. These men and women give up the life of a mage, and join monastic orders, dedicating the skills they have been given to the good of all. After their ordination, they often travel the world, ministering to the sick and injured. Though not trained for combat, there is one enemy against whom they are a potent ally. If need arises, they can call on the power of the Light to banish the unworldly from the mortal plane.
- Mage
- White Mage
- Mage of Light
- White Mage
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 64 hitpoints: 42 |
name: Mage of Light race: human |
After years of experience, the most devout of white mages are bestowed with vast spiritual powers. By strict devotion to the path of the light, they can call upon its aid to chase away the shadows of the night. Following a strict code of piety and honour, these men and women work tirelessly to bring life and order to the troubled world in which they live.
- Mage
- Red Mage
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 40 hitpoints: 42 |
name: Red Mage race: human |
Upon the successful termination of their apprenticeship, a mage is stripped of the blue robes of an apprentice, and given the red robes of a master. The significance of this change is often lost on the peasantry, who mistakenly title Master Mages as 'Red Mages'. Likewise, the symbolism of the change in colours is often mistaken to signify the mage's ability to seemingly conjure fire from nothing but thin air, a trick which, although undeniably useful, is viewed as a crass application of the knowledge which they have painstakingly accrued. Though physically frail, and untrained as warriors, the 'Red Mages' have a number of tricks up their sleeves, including the gouts of fire which may have cemented their colloquial name.
- Mage
- Red Mage
- Arch Mage
- Red Mage
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 59 hitpoints: 57 |
name: Arch Mage race: human |
The title of Arch Mage is conferred only after a lifetime of study and achievement to match. Arch Mages are often employed in positions of education, or as advisors to those wise enough to seek the fruits of their wisdom. Many tend to wealthy patrons, a profitable enterprise for both as, outside of the occasional task or word of advice, it gives the mage leave to pursue their research undisturbed. Certain others shun civilization, spending their days as hermits, often to study something which most would tend to frown upon. Though not trained for any sort of combat, if need arises an Arch Mage can unleash the full power of their art, something which is not to be taken lightly.
- Mage
- Red Mage
- Arch Mage
- Great Mage
- Arch Mage
- Red Mage
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 72 hitpoints: 65 |
name: Great Mage race: human |
Any person who is even considered for the title of Great Mage is quite nearly a legend in their own time, and town criers have forcibly learnt discretion in applying the title. Merit for the title is carefully considered by a council of the leading mages of the age, and the conferment of the title is given only by a majority vote. Regardless, anyone who is seriously nominated for the honour of being called a Great Mage is, without question, a master of their art, and has surpassed almost any of their peers in skill. Though they are not warriors, by any means, the application of their art to combat is something that often causes other soldiers to stand aside in awe.
- Mage
- Red Mage
- Silver Mage
- Red Mage
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 59 hitpoints: 48 |
name: Silver Mage race: human |
The many paths that a mage can take in study lead to strikingly different ends. Silver mages have devoted themselves to a study of the forces that bind reality together, and have managed, somewhat, to unravel the mysteries of a world far more vast than most would ever imagine. Often viewed as sages, or wandering mystics, silver mages act under an agenda which is obscure even to their own colleagues. Though helpful to the magisteriums which often employ them in the field, they remain somewhat aloof. They have, in fact, their own order amongst the ranks of mages, an order which withholds certain secrets from their peers. One of these is an apparent ability to cross great distances, faster than one could possibly travel on foot. Members of the silver order ardently refuse to discuss the workings of this with any of their fellow mages, and on those rare occasions when others have pried into their work, they have abandoned the endeavor, never to speak of it again. Silver mages are often more physically adept than other mages, and their skills are of undeniable use on the battlefield, if one can manage to coerce the mage into applying them.
Cavalryman tree
- Cavalryman
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 17 hitpoints: 38 |
name: Cavalryman race: human |
Cavalrymen are distinguished from horsemen by their tactics and equipment. A cavalryman wears heavier armor, and carries a sword and shield, rather than a lance. Their tactics do not include charging, but instead maneuvers like hit and run slashes with their sword, using both horse and rider as an effective tool of melee. Cavalrymen are very useful for taking and holding positions on open ground, for screening friendly soldiers, and also for scoutwork. |
- Cavalryman
- Dragoon
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 34 hitpoints: 53 |
name: Dragoon race: human |
The more talented cavalrymen in the armies of Wesnoth are trained in the use of the crossbow, and outfitted with much more powerful steeds. Well-armored, and skilled in the use of their swords, these soldiers can drive forward and hold the ground they take. Their mobility and resilience make them of great value on the battlefield. |
- Cavalryman
- Dragoon
- Cavalier
- Dragoon
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 52 hitpoints: 68 |
name: Cavalier race: human |
A triumphant sight on the battlefield, cavaliers are masters at the use of both sword and crossbow from horseback. Their facility with ranged weapons allows them to strike at many a foe with impunity, and their mettle has turned the tide of some of the greatest battles in known history. |
Merman Fighter tree
- Merman Fighter
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 14 hitpoints: 36 |
name: Merman Fighter race: merman |
Skilled creatures of the sea, Mermen are powerful and quick in any watery environment, but struggle greatly to move on land. |
- Merman Fighter
- Merman Warrior
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 28 hitpoints: 50 |
name: Merman Warrior race: merman |
The Mermen Warriors form the core of the mermen armies. Wielding powerful tridents, they are a bane to any who dare enter their waters. |
- Merman Fighter
- Merman Warrior
- Merman Triton
- Merman Warrior
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 43 hitpoints: 60 |
name: Merman Triton race: merman |
Tritons are masters of the sea. Skilled in use of the trident, Tritons easily defeat any enemy foolish enough to wander into their preferred environment. |
- Merman Fighter
- Merman Warrior
- Merman Hoplite
- Merman Warrior
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 43 hitpoints: 52 |
name: Merman Hoplite race: merman |
With their towering shields, the Merman Hoplites form the elite guard of the watery realm. Their powerful armor and rigid discipline allow them to hold a steadfast line against the rages of battle. In times of desperation, they can even do so on land, though not nearly as well as a creature with legs.
Fencer tree
- Fencer
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 16 hitpoints: 28 |
name: Fencer race: human |
Fencers belong to a school of thought that considers the armor most soldiers wear in combat to be their own worst enemy. While armor can only soften a blow, evading it will completely negate any ill effects. Being able to reliably dodge any offensive move is a luxury only afforded to the fit of body, and then only to those who endure rigorous training. Outfitted with only a dagger and rapier, fencers are light on their feet and useful in many situations where their armor-bound peers are at a disadvantage. They relish, often literally, in dancing circles around troops like heavy infantry, in mockery of the price they pay for their full plate.
- Fencer
- Duelist
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 32 hitpoints: 44 |
name: Duelist race: human |
It is a peculiar fashion of Wesnoth's nobility, in that they typically enroll their sons into one of two orders of armigers, training them either in the art of horsemanship, or fencing. Duelists are so named for an unfortunately common practice of young aristocrats, for whom the heat of insult can sometimes incite a rash demonstration of their natural right. Experienced fencers, who often look the part of nobility if not always actually of noble birth, carry with them a small crossbow that is easily concealed under a coat or cape. Slow to load and often thought dishonourable to use, it is in fact very useful, and those of their ranks who live long enough to be veterans typically do so by making such concessions to utility and survival.
- Fencer
- Duelist
- Master at Arms
- Duelist
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 44 hitpoints: 57 |
name: Master at Arms race: human |
Master fencers have an envied place in life. Though theirs is a reckless and dangerous way of life, they have reached the time wherein they reap its rewards. Famed for their skill, and their rakish manner, these gentlemen have the bearing of natural aristocrats, and are followed by the eyes of many a high born lady. They usually have the luxury of choosing their appointments, and are free to roam the land should they so choose. Often, they will be found as the captains of a castle guard, or as the master of a military academy, positions in which their flamboyant nature is not only accepted, but is perhaps even useful.
Horseman tree
- Horseman
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 23 hitpoints: 38 |
name: Horseman race: human |
Often hailing from the rather untamed regions of Wesnoth, Horsemen are trained from childhood to ride and to follow a strict code of honour. A charge made by a horseman is a powerful but reckless tactic, the worth of which has been proven time and time again on the battlefield. Horsemen excel against most infantry, especially those who have fallen out of line, but must take care against both spearmen and archers, for whom their large size and momentum provide inviting targets. |
- Horseman
- Knight
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 40 hitpoints: 58 |
name: Knight race: human |
Horsemen of skill and discipline are promoted to Knights. Veterans of combat, they have seen the often-fatal results of a failed charge, and have learnt discretion in its use. Knights, therefore, carry swords in their armament, and practice tactics which, although requiring of much more patience, are far safer than a charge. Their lances are still at the ready, however, and growing experience with these weapons is only to their benefit. |
- Horseman
- Knight
- Paladin
- Knight
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 58 hitpoints: 65 |
name: Paladin race: human |
Knights of the highest virtue, Paladins have sworn themselves to monastic orders, pledging their might to the cause of righteousness. Though not as imposing on the battlefield as a Grand Knight, a Paladin is a powerful force in combat, and their piety grants them other gifts. A Paladin is a bane to the unworldly, and has trained in ministering to the wounds of his comrades.
- Horseman
- Knight
- Grand Knight
- Knight
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 58 hitpoints: 78 |
name: Grand Knight race: human |
Grand Knights have reached the acme of skill with sword and lance. Wearing full plate, and riding steeds bred more for power than for speed, these warriors form the core of any serious cavalry force. A grand knight at the head of a charge is a terrifying sight for infantry, and is often enough to break right through a defensive line. |
- Horseman
- Lancer
Battle Stats | Unit Info | Other Info |
cost: 40 hitpoints: 50 |
name: Lancer race: human |
Lancers are some of the bravest and most feared riders in all of Wesnoth. Clad in minimal armor, they free themselves to ride swiftly, faster than any of their peers. The daring tactics they employ are a double-edged sword, often winning either glory, or a swift death. Lancers excel in hunting down infantrymen who've made the mistake of breaking formation, and in piercing defensive lines. However, they have limited use in defense. |
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