
From The Battle for Wesnoth Wiki
< LuaWML
Revision as of 22:55, 17 March 2014 by Iceiceice (talk | contribs) (wesnoth.sides)

This page describes the LuaWML functions and helpers for handling sides and villages.


Template:DevFeature1.11: This function is deprecated, use wesnoth.sides[i] instead of wesnoth.get_side(i).


This is not a function but a table indexed by side numbers. Its elements are proxy tables with these fields:

  • side: the side number
  • gold, village_gold, base_income: integers (read/write)
  • total_income: integer (read only)
  • objectives, user_team_name: translatable strings (read/write)
  • objectives_changed: boolean (read/write)
  • team_name: string (read/write)
  • controller: string (read/write) :

note: In networked multiplayer, the controller attribute is ambiguous. Be very careful or you have OOS errors. Template:DevFeature1.11 The controller attribute has 6 possible values: human, human_ai, network, network_ai, ai, null.

In 1.11.11+, a local human should always be "human", a local ai should always be "human_ai", a remote human should always be "network". and a remote ai should always be "network_ai". An empty side should be null on all clients.

"ai" should never appear in an actual game, however it is used currently in game creation code and in some server commands before being resolved by client. It will not be removed from the C++ engine however, to support backwards compatibility.

If you get an "ai" controlled side in an actual 1.11.11+ game, e.g. using this lua function or ":controller", please report that as a bug.

The metatable of these proxy tables appears as "side".

local team = wesnoth.sides[1] = + 50
wesnoth.message(string.format("%d sides", #wesnoth.sides))


Returns a table array containing proxy tables for these sides matching the passed StandardSideFilter.

--set gold to 0 for all sides with a leader
local sides = wesnoth.get_sides({ {"has_unit", { canrecruit = true }} })
for i,v in ipairs(sides) do = 0


Returns the side that owns the village at the given location.

local owned_by_side_1 = wesnoth.get_village_owner(12, 15) == 1


Gives ownership of the village at the given location to the given side (or remove ownership if none). Ownership is also removed if nil or 0 is passed for the third parameter, but no capture events are fired in this case. An optional 4th parameter (boolean true|false, default: false) can be passed determining whether to fire any capture events.

wesnoth.set_village_owner(12, 15, 1)


Returns true if side A is enemy of side B, false otherwise.

local enemy_flag = wesnoth.is_enemy(1, 3)


Matches a side against a given StandardSideFilter.

wesnoth.message(tostring(wesnoth.match_side(1, {{"has_unit", { type = "Troll" }}})))


local loc = wesnoth.get_starting_location(1)
wesnoth.message(string.format("side 1 starts at (%u, %u)", loc[1], loc[2]))


Returns an iterator over teams that can be used in a for-in loop.

for team in helper.all_teams() do = 200 end