
From The Battle for Wesnoth Wiki
< LuaWML
Revision as of 18:14, 19 May 2014 by Gfgtdf (talk | contribs) (wesnoth.sides)

This page describes the LuaWML functions and helpers for handling sides and villages.


Template:DevFeature1.11: This function is deprecated, use wesnoth.sides[i] instead of wesnoth.get_side(i).


This is not a function but a table indexed by side numbers. Its elements are proxy tables with these fields:

  • side: the side number
  • gold, village_gold, base_income: integers (read/write)
  • total_income: integer (read only)
  • objectives, user_team_name: translatable strings (read/write)
  • objectives_changed: boolean (read/write)
  • team_name: string (read/write)
  • controller: string (read/write) :
note: In networked multiplayer, the controller attribute is ambiguous. Be very careful or you have OOS errors.
Template:DevFeature1.11 The controller attribute has 6 possible values: human, network, ai, network_ai, null, idle.
In 1.11.11+, a local human should always be "human", a local ai should always be "ai", a remote human should always be "network". and a remote ai should always be "network_ai". An empty side should be null on all clients.
An idle side should appear similarly as a "human" side for all sides that don't own the idle side, i.e. as "network".
These values may be checked using lua, or the :controller command in game.

a side by setting it to false in a victory event.

  • __cfg: WML table (dump)

The metatable of these proxy tables appears as "side".

local team = wesnoth.sides[1] = + 50
wesnoth.message(string.format("%d sides", #wesnoth.sides))


Returns a table array containing proxy tables for these sides matching the passed StandardSideFilter.

--set gold to 0 for all sides with a leader
local sides = wesnoth.get_sides({ {"has_unit", { canrecruit = true }} })
for i,v in ipairs(sides) do = 0


Returns the side that owns the village at the given location.

local owned_by_side_1 = wesnoth.get_village_owner(12, 15) == 1


Gives ownership of the village at the given location to the given side (or remove ownership if none). Ownership is also removed if nil or 0 is passed for the third parameter, but no capture events are fired in this case. An optional 4th parameter (boolean true|false, default: false) can be passed determining whether to fire any capture events.

wesnoth.set_village_owner(12, 15, 1)


Returns true if side A is enemy of side B, false otherwise.

local enemy_flag = wesnoth.is_enemy(1, 3)


Matches a side against a given StandardSideFilter.

wesnoth.message(tostring(wesnoth.match_side(1, {{"has_unit", { type = "Troll" }}})))


local loc = wesnoth.get_starting_location(1)
wesnoth.message(string.format("side 1 starts at (%u, %u)", loc[1], loc[2]))


Returns an iterator over teams that can be used in a for-in loop.

for team in helper.all_teams() do = 200 end