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Traduction en cours

La Bataille pour Wesnoth est un jeu de stratégie au tour par tour dans un univers Fantasy.

Construisez une armée puissante, en faisant progresser vos recrues en vétérans endurcis. Rappelez vos meilleurs guerriers et montez une armée contre laquelle personne ne peut lutter ! Choisissez vos unités en fonction de leurs spécialités et de leurs compétences.

Combattez pour reprendre le trône de Wesnoth, dont vous êtes l'héritier légitime, utilisez votre terrifiant pouvoir sur les morts-vivants pour dominer la terre des mortels, ou menez votre glorieuse tribus Orc à la victoire contre les humains qui ont osé spolier vos terres. Différentes sagas et quêtes vous attendent dans Wesnoth.

Vous pouvez défier vos amis ou des inconnus dans des batailles épiques "multijoueurs".

Vous pouvez créer vos propres unités personnalisées, écrire vos propres scénarios ou même des campagnes complètes.

Bienvenue à Wesnoth

Le territoire de Wesnoth

Le territoire de Wesnoth est habituellement divisé en trois zones : les terres du nord, qui sont la plupart du temps sans loi, le royaume de Wesnoth avec la principauté d'Elensefar, et le domaine des elfes du sud-ouest.

Le royaume de Wesnoth se trouve au centre du pays. Ses frontières sont la grande rivière au nord, les basses collines à l'est et au sud, le marais vert au sud-ouest et l'océan à l'ouest. Elensefar, une ancienne province de Wesnoth, est bordée au nord par la Grande Rivière, une ligne vaguement définie avec Wesnoth à l'est, la Baie des Perles au sud et l'océan à l'ouest.

Il n'y a pas de gouvernement des Terres du nord. Divers groupes d'orcs, de nains, de barbares et même d'elfes peuplent la région. Les frontières nord et est ne sont pas définies, la frontière sud est la Grande Rivière et la frontière ouest est l'Océan.

En parcourant le pays, vous rencontrerez de paisible villages ou vous pourrez remettre en forme vos troupes et obtenir des subsides pour supporter le cout de vos troupes.

Vous traverserez montagnes, collines ou rivières, forêts, prairies et toundra, que ce soit à pied ou à cheval.

Dans chaque contrées différentes, les indigènes sont habituées aux conditions de vie et sont plus à l'aise que vous pour y combattre et se déplacer.

Dans les collines, les montagnes, les grottes et sous terre, les Trolls, les orcs et les nains sont les plus à l'aise. Dans les forêts, les elfes règnent en maîtres tandis que dans les ondins et les nagas contrôlent les mers.

Les peuples de Wesnoth

Il y a dans le monde de Wesnoth plusieur races qui se sont regroupées en différentes factions. Dans la plupart des campagnes vous contrôlerez surtout une seule faction, mais souvent vous aurez une liste de recrues avec des unités provenant d'autres factions, et vous n'aurez pas toutes les unités d'une faction disponible en fonction des besoin de l'intrigue de la campagne.

Parfois les factions font alliance avec d'autres, de sorte que vous pouvez faire face à plus d'une faction dans un scénario.

Se repérer dans la bataille pour Wesnoth


Le menu principal
(Cliquez pour agrandir)

A l'ouverture de Wesnoth, s'ouvre l'écran d'accueil avec un arrière-plan et une colonne de boutons appelés "Menu principal". Les déplacements ne s'y font qu'avec une souris, pour les impatients, nous vous recommandons d'abord de cliquer sur le bouton "language" (langue) pour définir votre langue, puis de cliquer sur "Tutoriel" et une fois celui-ci terminé, de commencer par la première campagne, "les deux frères", de la liste que vous trouvez dans le menu "campagne".

Les boutons du menu principal :

  • Tutoriel
Ce tutoriel est un vrai jeu, mais très simple, qui vous apprend quelques commandes de base nécessaires pour jouer au jeu. Gagner ou perdre n'est pas important ici, mais apprendre quoi faire l'est. Cliquez sur ce bouton pour jouer. Dans le Tutoriel vous jouer le jeune prince Konrad ou la princesse Li'sar, prenant une leçon de leur mentor, le mage Delfador. Faites attentions ou il pourrait vous transformer en triton !
  • Campagnes
Wesnoth a d'abord été conçu pour faire des campagnes. Les campagnes sont des séries de scénarios reliés entre eux. Cliquez sur ce bouton pour commencez une nouvelle campagnes. La liste des campagnes disponibles sur votre ordinateur va apparaître (vous pouvez en télécharger d'autres si vous le souhaitez). Sélectionner une campagne, et cliquez sur OK pour démarrer ou Annuler pour quitter.
Chaque campagne a un niveau de difficulté: facile, normal, et difficile. Quelques unes ont des réglages supplémentaires "cauchemar" ou "débutant" ou "stimulants(chanllenging)". Nous recommandons le niveau normal qui reste intéressant mais trop difficile. Si vous rencontrez des problèmes à vous en sortir au niveau facile, Le guide de stratégie pour démarrer devrait vous aider. L'histoire de deux frères est une campagne sympa pour commencer, vous pouvez trouver des descriptions des campagnes disponibles ici :
  • Multijoueur
Cliquer ici pour jouer à des scénarios unique contre un ou plusieurs adversaires.

Vous pouvez jouer en ligne, en réseau local ou en hotseat contre des humains ou l'ordinateur. Une fois que vous avez cliquer sur ce bouton apparaît une boite de dialogue qui vous permet de choisir comment vous voulez jouer. Pour en savoir plus, allez voir Multijoueur.

  • Charger
Cliquez ici pour charger une partie précédemment sauvegardée. Apparaît une boite de dialogue avec les jeux sauvegardés. Choisissez votre jeu et cliquez ok pour charger le jeu et jouer, ou annuler pour revenir au menu principal.
Si vous sélectionnez une partie sauvegardée en cours de scénario, vous pouvez cocher la case Rejouer qui vous permet de revoir tous les mouvements effectués depuis le début du scénario.
Si vous sélectionnez une sauvegarde de début de scénario, vous pouvez cocher la case "changer la difficulté", la boite de sélection des difficultés apparaît comme au début de la campagne et affectera le reste de celle-ci. Passer a une difficulté plus haute sera peut-être plus difficile que prévu car les scénarios seront équilibrés pour une armée ayant combattu plus d'ennemis et censée avoir gagné plus d'éxpérience.
  • Langue
Cliquer ici pour choisir votre langue, et cliquer ok pour l'utiliser, ou annuler pour revenir au menu principal et garder la langue actuelle.
  • Préférences
Cliquer ici pour changer les paramétres par défaut. Pour plus d'informations aller lire le manuel(en)
  • A propos
Cliquer ici pour avoir la liste des contributeurs principaux de Wesnoth. Vous pourrez retrouver la plupart d'entres eux sur dans le salon #wesnoth, ou visitez pour les nouvelles, le forum, et les mise à jour du wiki.
  • Quittez
Cliquez ici pour quitter le jeu.

Ce guide de démarrage donne une introduction rapide de la Bataille pour Wesnoth, vous trouverez plus d'informations sur le jeu dans le manuel(en)

Play a Game

There are two basic ways to play Battle for Wesnoth:

  • Play a sequence of connected scenarios, known as a campaign, against the computer (Campaign)
  • Play a single scenario against computer or human opponents (Multiplayer)

(Note: The development of multiplayer campaigns is currently underway).


Campaigns can take a long time to complete .... Typical campaigns have about 10-20 scenarios. The main advantage with campaigns is that they allow you to develop your army. As you complete each scenario, the remaining units at the end are saved for you to use in the next scenario. If you choose not to use a unit at all during a scenario it is carried over to the next, so you don't lose units you don't use.

The campaign is the primary form in which Wesnoth is intended to be played, and is the recommended way for new players to learn the game. Some Official campaigns also describe the history of Wesnoth as scenarios are completed.


Multiplayer games are played with or against other players, which may be human or AI-controlled. There are 4 major options: 1) Join official server, 2) Connect to host/server, 3) Host networked game, 4) Local game.

By selecting this option, you may play either competitive games or cooperative games. Competitive games include 1 vs 1's , 2 vs 2's or even free-for-alls (FFA's). Cooperative games or scenarios include survivals and other user made scenarios, which may include RPG elements or other elements which are not present in campaigns or competitive games. In general, cooperative scenarios require downloading from the Wesnoth Add-On Server. In all games, you have the option of assigning any sides control by the AI.

Multiplayer games can take anywhere from 1 hour to 10 hours (or more, for very rare map settings), depending on how many players there are (and the size of the map). The average time is between 3 to 7 hours. Games can be saved and loaded as many times as you like. So, it's possible for some games to last 1 or 2 weeks, even though the play time is only a few hours. You cannot carry over units in multiplayer from one scenario to the next, so building up your army's strength is possible only within the scenario.

Join Official Server

By selecting this option, you will be connected to the official Wesnoth server via the Internet. This option will allow you to play with other players from around the world.

Connect to Host/Server

This option allows you to connect to other computers or servers, including the official Wesnoth server. You may use this option to join a multiplayer game via a local access network (LAN).

Host Networked Game

This option allows you to create a game that can be joined by other players via a LAN network.

Local Game

This option allows you to play a game involving 1 computer only. You may still assign control for other sides to other players/AI.

The Game Screen

Regardless of whether you are playing a scenario or a campaign, the basic layout of the game screen is the same. The majority of the screen is filled with a map which shows all of the action that takes place in the game. Around the map are various elements which provide useful information about the game and are described in more detail below.

Across the top of the screen from left to right are the following items:

  1. Menu button
  2. Actions button
  3. Turn counter *
  4. Your gold
  5. Your total villages
  6. Your total units
  7. Your upkeep
  8. Your income
  9. Timer or clock
  10. Current hex type
  11. Current hex position

Down the right of the screen from top to bottom are:

  1. Full map, scaled *
  2. Time of day indicator
  3. Unit profile for last selected unit*
  4. End Turn button *

(Items marked with a * are currently undocumented)

  • Menu button: Displays a drop-down menu with the following options:
  1. Scenario Objectives: Lists the victory and defeat conditions.
  2. Statistics
  3. Unit List: Lists your active units, including their map position.
  4. Status Table: Summary list of visible player units, villages, income etc.
  5. Save Game: Write the current game position to disk.
  6. Load Game
  7. Preferences: see the Manual for details.
  8. Back to: Return to previous turns without opening the Load Game dialog. Not available in all games.
  9. Help
  10. Quit Game: Close the game, without saving, and return to the Main menu.
  • Actions button: Displays a drop-down menu with the following options:
  1. Next unit
  2. Recruit: Lists units your commander can recruit from a keep.
  3. Recall (Campaign only): Lists units your commander can recall from a keep.
  4. Show enemy moves
  5. Best possible enemy moves
  6. End Turn: On your turn, select it to end your turn.
  • Your gold, villages, units, upkeep, and income
Quick way to check how your army is doing. A negative income means you'll lose gold, a positive means you gain gold. Upkeep is the gold you pay your units. Villages shows how many you own, each village will give you Gold.
  • Current hex
Shows the terrain type and position of the hex pointed to by the mouse. If a unit is on the hex, its resistance on that terrain is shown after the position. The position is in column, row order.
  • Time of day indicator
Putting your mouse over the indicator will bring up a tooltip showing the effect of the time of day. Wesnoth has a 6-turn day and different alignments have bonuses depending on the time of day.

Recruit and Recall

When you first start a scenario or campaign you will only have a few units on the map. One of these will be your commander (identified by a little crown icon). Your commander is usually placed in a castle on a special hex called a keep. Whenever your commander is on a keep (not only your own, but also the keep of any enemy castles you capture) and you have enough gold, you can recruit units for your army. In later scenarios you can recall experienced units that survived earlier scenarios. From here, you can start to build your army to conquer the enemy.

The first thing you will probably want to do is recruit your first unit. Press 'ctrl-r' (or right click on an empty castle hex and select 'recruit') and you will be able to recruit a unit from a list of all the units available to you. Each recruit is placed on an empty castle square. Once you have filled the castle, you cannot recruit any more until units move off. Your opponent's commander is similarly placed on its castle keep and will begin by recruiting its troops -- so don't dilly-dally looking at the scenery, there's a battle to be won.

At the end of each successful scenario, all your remaining troops are automatically saved. At the start of the next scenario you may recall them in a similar way to recruiting. Recalled troops are often more experienced than recruits and usually a better choice.

Your Army

All game types use the same soldiers, called units. Each unit is identified by Race, Level, and Class. Each unit has strengths and weaknesses, based on their Resistance, current Terrain, and Level. See

Life and Death - Experience

As your troops gain battle experience, they will learn more skills and become stronger. They will also die in battle, so you'll need to recruit and recall more when that happens. But choose wisely, for each has strengths and weaknesses a cunning opponent will quickly exploit.


Your army does not fight for free. It costs you money to recruit units and money to maintain them. You start each scenario with money carried over from previous scenarios (although each scenario ensures you have at least a minimum amount of gold to start if you didn't carry over enough from previous scenarios) and can gain more by meeting scenario objectives quickly and, during a scenario, by controlling villages. Each village you control will give you two gold pieces income per turn. When you first start a scenario it is usually worthwhile to gain control of as many villages as you can to ensure you have sufficient income to wage war. You can see your current gold and current income at the top of the screen as described in the section on the Game Screen. More information can be found in the manual.

Save and Load

At the start of each scenario, you have the option to save it. If you are defeated, you may load it and try again. Once you have succeeded, you will again be asked to save the next scenario and play that. If you have to stop playing during a scenario, you can save your turn and load it again later. Just remember, a good BFW player never needs to save during a scenario. However, most beginners tend to do so rather often. ;)

Getting the Most Fun Out of the Game

Remember, the idea of a game is to have fun! Here are some recommendations from the development team on how to get the most fun out of the game:

  • Consider playing the campaign on 'Medium' difficulty level, especially if you have prior experience with strategy games. We feel you'll find it much more rewarding.
  • Don't sweat it too much when you lose some units. The campaign was designed to accommodate the player losing some units along the way.
  • Don't abuse saved games. Long ago, Wesnoth only allowed saving the game at the end of a scenario. Mid-scenario saving was added as a convenience to use if you had to continue the game another day, or to protect against crashes. We do not recommend loading mid-scenario saved games over and over because your White Mage keeps getting killed. Learn to protect your White Mage instead, and balance risks! That is part of the strategy.
  • If you must load a saved game, we recommend going back to the start of the scenario, so that you choose a new strategy that works, rather than simply finding random numbers that favor you.
  • But remember, the aim is to have fun! You may have different tastes than the developers, so do what you enjoy most! If you enjoy loading the saved game every time you make a mistake, looking for the 'perfect' game where you never lose a unit, by all means, go right ahead!

At the start of a scenario

  • First, read the scenario objectives. Sometimes you do not have to kill enemy leaders; instead it is enough that you survive for a certain number of turns, or pick up a particular object
  • Look at the map: the terrain, the position of your leader and the other leader(s).
  • Then, begin to recruit units. Cheap units are useful to soak up the first wave of an enemy's attack; advanced units can then be brought in as support. Fast units can be used as scouts, for exploring the map and to quickly conquer villages.

During the scenario

  • Try to capture and keep control of as many villages as possible to keep the gold coming in
  • Keep units in packs so the enemy cannot attack from as many sides, and so you can outnumber each enemy unit. Put your units in a line so that the enemy cannot attack any one of your units from more than two sides.
  • Different units have different strengths and weaknesses depending on terrain and who they are attacking; right click on units and select "Describe unit" to learn more
  • You can use lower level units as cannon fodder, to slow down enemy. e.g. you can use them to block enemy reaching your important units
  • You can cause damage to enemies with advanced units and then finish them with lower level units - to give them more experience (and finally make them advance to next level)
  • When you have a White Mage (advances from Mage) or Druid (advances from Shaman), put it in the middle of a circle of units to heal them as they move across the map (Shamans can do this too, but not as well)
  • Losing units is expected, even advanced units
  • Time of day really matters:
    • lawful units do more damage at day and less damage at night
    • chaotic units do more damage at night and less damage at day
    • remember to always check the time of day on the right side of the screen. Plan ahead - think about what it's going to be next turn as well as this turn.
  • Some units are resistant or vulnerable to different kind of attacks. Mounted units are weak vs pierce attacks. Fire and holy (arcane) attacks destroy undead. To see how much a unit resists an attack type, right click on the unit, select 'Unit Description', then select 'Resistance'. It will show you how resistant a unit is to different types of attacks.


An important part of succeeding at Battle for Wesnoth is keeping your units healthy. When your units take damage you can heal them by moving them onto villages or next to special healing units (e.g. the Elvish Shaman and White Mage). Some other units you will encounter, such as Trolls, have the ability to heal themselves naturally. You can find more detailed information about healing in Chapter 2.

Winning a scenario

  • Advanced units are needed to quickly kill enemy commanders, and to avoid losing lots of units.
  • The quicker you win a scenario, the more gold you get; you will get more gold from winning early than from all of the map's villages for the rest of the turns.
  • Killing all enemy leaders usually gives instant victory.

More general tips

  • After slaughtering scenarios (where you take lots of punishment) there are usually "breathing room" scenarios where you can rather easily gain some gold and experience (advanced units)
  • Advanced units have higher upkeep than lower level units (1 gp per level), loyal units are an exception.

Reporting Bugs

Wesnoth is a mature game, however, please report any bugs that you may encounter at More detailed instructions may be found at ReportingBugs. The developers rely on users like you to report bugs and make feature requests, so that each release is better than the one before it!

See Also